[ADD] samples

This commit is contained in:
Andy Bunce 2022-09-19 20:18:26 +01:00
parent c4699b2e50
commit 862e090526
8 changed files with 39191 additions and 31978 deletions

markdown/mermaid.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# mermaid
flowchart TB
_ -- ./ --> util
_ --> json_hal
_ --> api_problem
_ --> cors
_ -- data/ --> types
_ -- data/ --> data_changes
data_changes -- ../--> util

semantic/sparql.rq Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
@prefix card: <http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
card:i foaf:name "Timothy Berners-Lee" .
<http://bblfish.net/people/henry/card#me> foaf:name "Henry Story" .
<http://www.cambridgesemantics.com/people/about/lee> foaf:name "Lee Feigenbaum" .
card:amy foaf:name "Amy van der Hiel" .

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,74 +1,85 @@
: generate dotml from xqdoc source
: apb Jan 2013
declare namespace doc="http://www.xqdoc.org/1.0";
declare namespace dotml="http://www.martin-loetzsch.de/DOTML";
declare namespace hash="http://basex.org/modules/hash";
: generate dotml from xqdoc source
: apb Jan 2013
declare namespace doc = "http://www.xqdoc.org/1.0";
declare variable $ns-ignore:=("http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions",
"http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/math" );
declare namespace dotml = "http://www.martin-loetzsch.de/DOTML";
declare namespace hash = "http://basex.org/modules/hash";
declare variable $ns-ignore := ("http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions",
declare function local:sid($s as xs:string)
as xs:string{
"A" || xs:hexBinary(hash:md5($s))
as xs:string { "A" || xs:hexBinary(hash:md5($s)) };
declare function local:fid($uri as xs:string ,$name as xs:string,$arity as xs:string){
let $a:=fn:trace(($uri || "*" || $name || "*" || $arity),"fid: ")
return "A" || xs:hexBinary(hash:md5($uri || $name ||$arity))
declare function local:fid($uri as xs:string, $name as xs:string,
$arity as xs:string) { let $a :=
fn:trace(($uri || "*" || $name || "*" || $arity), "fid: ")
return "A" || xs:hexBinary(hash:md5($uri || $name || $arity)) };
declare function local:foo($dml){
let $moduri:=$dml/doc:xqdoc/doc:module/doc:uri/fn:string()
declare function local:foo($dml) {
let $moduri :=
<dotml:graph file-name="graphs/bgcolor" rankdir="LR" label="a test" >
{for $import in $dml//doc:import
let $ns:=$import/doc:uri/fn:string()
where some $call in $dml//doc:invoked satisfies $call/doc:uri=$import/doc:uri
return <dotml:cluster id="{local:sid($ns)}"
{ for $import in $dml//doc:import
let $ns := $import/doc:uri/fn:string()
where some $call in $dml//doc:invoked satisfies $call/doc:uri =
<dotml:cluster id="{ local:sid($ns)}"
label="{ $ns}"
bgcolor="#FF8080" >
{for $call in $dml//doc:invoked[doc:uri=$import/doc:uri]
return <dotml:node
{ for $call in $dml//doc:invoked[doc:uri = $import/doc:uri]
id="{ local:fid($call/doc:name/@uri,
$call/doc:name/@localname, $call/@arity)}"
label="{ $call/doc:name/fn:string()}"
fillcolor="lightblue" style="filled"/>
<dotml:cluster id="main" rankdir="LR"
{for $f in $dml//doc:function
return <dotml:node id="{local:fid($moduri,$f/doc:name,$f/@arity)}" label="{$f/doc:name}" fillcolor="yellow" style="filled"/>,
for $v in $dml//doc:variable
return <dotml:node id="{generate-id($v)}" label="{$v/doc:name}" fillcolor="green" style="filled"/>
{ for $f in $dml//doc:function
<dotml:node id="{ local:fid($moduri, $f/doc:name, $f/@arity)}" label="{
$f/doc:name}" fillcolor="yellow" style="filled"/>,
for $v in $dml//doc:variable
<dotml:node id="{ generate-id($v)}" label="{ $v/doc:name}"
fillcolor="green" style="filled"/>
{for $call in $dml//doc:invoked
let $f:=$call/..
where not($call/doc:name/@uri/fn:string()=$ns-ignore)
return <dotml:edge
to="{local:fid($call/doc:name/@uri,$call/doc:name/@localname,$call/@arity)}"/> }
{ for $call in $dml//doc:invoked
let $f := $call/..
where not($call/doc:name/@uri/fn:string() = $ns-ignore)
from="{ local:fid($moduri, $f/doc:name, $f/@arity)}"
to="{ local:fid($call/doc:name/@uri, $call/doc:name/@localname,
$call/@arity)}"/> }
</dotml:graph> };
let $a:=local:foo(/)
let $req:=<http:request method="POST" >
<http:body media-type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">data={fn:encode-for-uri(fn:serialize($a))}</http:body>
let $ws:= http:send-request($req,"http://localhost:8984/restxq/graphxq/api/dotml")
return file:write("aa.svg",$ws[2])
return $a
let $a := local:foo(/)
: let $req:=<http:request method="POST" >
: <http:body
: media-type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">data={fn:encode-for-uri(fn:serialize($a))}</http:body>
: </http:request>
: let $ws:=
: http:send-request($req,"http://localhost:8984/restxq/graphxq/api/dotml")
: return file:write("aa.svg",$ws[2])
:) return $a

View File

@ -1,120 +1,136 @@
: graphviz module
: based on http://www.zorba-xquery.com/html/modules/zorba/image/graphviz
: graphviz module
: based on http://www.zorba-xquery.com/html/modules/zorba/image/graphviz
module namespace gr="apb.graphviz";
declare default function namespace 'apb.graphviz';
import module namespace proc="http://basex.org/modules/proc";
import module namespace file="http://expath.org/ns/file";
import module namespace xslt="http://basex.org/modules/xslt";
import module namespace random="http://basex.org/modules/random";
declare namespace svg= "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
declare namespace xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
declare %private variable $gr:dotpath:=if(fn:environment-variable("DOTPATH"))
then fn:environment-variable("DOTPATH")
else "dot";
import module namespace proc = "http://basex.org/modules/proc";
import module namespace file = "http://expath.org/ns/file";
import module namespace xslt = "http://basex.org/modules/xslt";
import module namespace random = "http://basex.org/modules/random";
declare namespace svg = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
declare namespace xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
declare %private variable $gr:dotpath := if (fn:environment-variable("DOTPATH"))
: folder for temp files \=windows
declare %private variable $gr:tmpdir:=if(file:dir-separator()="\")
then fn:environment-variable("TEMP") || "\"
else "/tmp/";
declare %private variable $gr:empty:=
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 300 20" version="1.1"
: folder for temp files \=windows
declare %private variable $gr:tmpdir := if (file:dir-separator() = "\") then
fn:environment-variable("TEMP") || "\"
declare %private variable $gr:empty := <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 300 20" version="1.1"
width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<text x="150" y="10" text-anchor="middle">Empty.</text>
:Layout one or more graphs given in the DOT language and render them as SVG.
declare function dot( $dot as xs:string*, $params as xs:string*) as node()*{
let $params:=("-Tsvg")
for $d in $dot
return if(fn:not($d))
then $gr:empty
else let $r:=dot-execute($d,$params)
return dot-svg($r)
: Layout one or more graphs given in the DOT language and render them as SVG.
declare function dot($dot as xs:string*, $params as xs:string*)
as node()* { let $params := ("-Tsvg")
for $d in $dot
if (fn:not($d)) then
let $r := dot-execute($d, $params)
return dot-svg($r)
(:~ run dot command :)
declare %private function dot-execute( $dot as xs:string, $params as xs:string*) as element(result){
let $fname:=$gr:tmpdir || random:uuid()
let $junk:=file:write-text($fname,$dot)
let $r:=proc:execute($gr:dotpath , ($params,$fname))
let $junk:=file:delete($fname)
return if($r/code!="0")
then fn:error(xs:QName('gr:dot1'),$r/error)
else $r
declare %private function dot-execute($dot as xs:string, $params as xs:string*)
as element(result) { let $fname := $gr:tmpdir || random:uuid()
let $junk := file:write-text($fname, $dot)
let $r := proc:execute($gr:dotpath, ($params, $fname))
let $junk := file:delete($fname)
if ($r/code != "0") then
fn:error(xs:QName('gr:dot1'), $r/error)
(:~ run dot command returning binary :)
declare function dot-executeb( $dot as xs:string, $params as xs:string*) as xs:base64Binary{
let $fname:=$gr:tmpdir || random:uuid()
let $oname:=$fname || ".o"
let $junk:=file:write-text($fname,$dot)
let $r:=proc:execute($gr:dotpath , ($params,"-o"|| $oname,$fname))
let $junk:=file:delete($fname)
return if($r/code!="0")
then fn:error(xs:QName('gr:dot1'),$r/error)
else let $d:=file:read-binary($oname)
(: let $junk:=file:delete($oname) :)
return $d
declare function dot-executeb($dot as xs:string, $params as xs:string*)
as xs:base64Binary { let $fname := $gr:tmpdir || random:uuid()
let $oname := $fname || ".o"
let $junk := file:write-text($fname, $dot)
let $r := proc:execute($gr:dotpath, ($params, "-o" || $oname, $fname))
let $junk := file:delete($fname)
if ($r/code != "0") then
fn:error(xs:QName('gr:dot1'), $r/error)
let $d := file:read-binary($oname)
(: let $junk:=file:delete($oname) :) return $d
(:~ cleanup dot svg result :)
declare %private function dot-svg( $r as element(result)) as element(svg:svg){
let $s:=fn:parse-xml($r/output) (: o/p has comment nodes :)
let $ver:=$s/comment()[1]/fn:normalize-space()
let $title:=$s/comment()[2]/fn:normalize-space()
let $svg:=$s/*
return <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
declare %private function dot-svg($r as element(result))
as element(svg:svg) { let $s := fn:parse-xml($r/output)
(: o/p has comment nodes :) let $ver := $s/comment()[1]/fn:normalize-space()
let $title := $s/comment()[2]/fn:normalize-space()
let $svg := $s/*
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" >
{$svg/@* ,
{ $svg/@*,
xmlns:rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
xmlns:rdfs = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
xmlns:dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" >
<rdf:Description about="https://github.com/apb2006/graphxq"
dc:title="{ $title}"
dc:description="A graph visualization"
dc:date="{ fn:current-dateTime()}"
<rdf:li>{ $ver}</rdf:li>
<rdf:li resource="https://github.com/apb2006/graphxq"/>
</svg> };
: set svg to autosize 100%
declare function autosize($svg as node()) as node(){
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
: set svg to autosize 100%
declare function autosize($svg as node())
as node() { <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
{$svg/@* except ($svg/@width,$svg/@height,$svg/@preserveAspectRatio),
{ $svg/@* except ($svg/@width, $svg/@height, $svg/@preserveAspectRatio),
</svg> };
: set svg to autosize 100%
declare function autosize-old($svg as node()) as node(){
xslt:transform($svg , fn:resolve-uri("dotml/dotpatch.xsl"))
: set svg to autosize 100%
declare function autosize-old($svg as node())
as node() { xslt:transform($svg, fn:resolve-uri("dotml/dotpatch.xsl")) };

xquery/run.xq Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
declare variable $inp := "Merry Christmas, and a happy new year! (2014)";
declare variable $m :=
declare variable $M := ((1 to 31), string-to-codepoints($m));
for $s in util:chars($inp)
codepoints-to-string(reverse(for $c in string-to-codepoints($s)
return $M[$c]))

Binary file not shown.

xslt-out/result1.xml Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff