: graphviz module
: based on http://www.zorba-xquery.com/html/modules/zorba/image/graphviz
module namespace gr="apb.graphviz";
declare default function namespace 'apb.graphviz';
import module namespace proc="http://basex.org/modules/proc";
import module namespace file="http://expath.org/ns/file";
import module namespace xslt="http://basex.org/modules/xslt";
import module namespace random="http://basex.org/modules/random";
declare namespace svg= "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
declare namespace xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
declare %private variable $gr:dotpath:=if(fn:environment-variable("DOTPATH"))
then fn:environment-variable("DOTPATH")
else "dot";
: folder for temp files \=windows
declare %private variable $gr:tmpdir:=if(file:dir-separator()="\")
then fn:environment-variable("TEMP") || "\"
else "/tmp/";
declare %private variable $gr:empty:=
:Layout one or more graphs given in the DOT language and render them as SVG.
declare function dot( $dot as xs:string*, $params as xs:string*) as node()*{
let $params:=("-Tsvg")
for $d in $dot
return if(fn:not($d))
then $gr:empty
else let $r:=dot-execute($d,$params)
return dot-svg($r)
(:~ run dot command :)
declare %private function dot-execute( $dot as xs:string, $params as xs:string*) as element(result){
let $fname:=$gr:tmpdir || random:uuid()
let $junk:=file:write-text($fname,$dot)
let $r:=proc:execute($gr:dotpath , ($params,$fname))
let $junk:=file:delete($fname)
return if($r/code!="0")
then fn:error(xs:QName('gr:dot1'),$r/error)
else $r
(:~ run dot command returning binary :)
declare function dot-executeb( $dot as xs:string, $params as xs:string*) as xs:base64Binary{
let $fname:=$gr:tmpdir || random:uuid()
let $oname:=$fname || ".o"
let $junk:=file:write-text($fname,$dot)
let $r:=proc:execute($gr:dotpath , ($params,"-o"|| $oname,$fname))
let $junk:=file:delete($fname)
return if($r/code!="0")
then fn:error(xs:QName('gr:dot1'),$r/error)
else let $d:=file:read-binary($oname)
(: let $junk:=file:delete($oname) :)
return $d
(:~ cleanup dot svg result :)
declare %private function dot-svg( $r as element(result)) as element(svg:svg){
let $s:=fn:parse-xml($r/output) (: o/p has comment nodes :)
let $ver:=$s/comment()[1]/fn:normalize-space()
let $title:=$s/comment()[2]/fn:normalize-space()
let $svg:=$s/*
: set svg to autosize 100%
declare function autosize($svg as node()) as node(){
: set svg to autosize 100%
declare function autosize-old($svg as node()) as node(){
xslt:transform($svg , fn:resolve-uri("dotml/dotpatch.xsl"))