[mod] tidy
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 40 additions and 208 deletions
@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ BaseX (10+) interface to [Pdfbox](https://pdfbox.apache.org/) version 3
* save pdf page as image
## Jars
* fontbox-3.0.2.jar
* pdfbox-3.0.2.jar
* pdfbox-io-3.0.2.jar
* commons-logging-1.3.1.jar
## Build
3.6 mb
Use `scripts/make-fat-jar.xq` to package the required `jar`s and `xqm` files to the `dist` folder.
@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ declare variable $urls := (
(: Main execution
Main-Class: org.basex.modules.Hello
let $config :=map {
"base": file:resolve-path("../",static-base-uri()),
"manifest-jar" : "pdfbox-3.0.4.jar",
@ -10,28 +10,19 @@ module namespace pdfbox="org.expkg_zone58.Pdfbox3";
declare namespace Loader ="java:org.apache.pdfbox.Loader";
declare namespace PDFTextStripper = "java:org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper";
(:~ @javadoc org/apache/pdfbox/pdmodel/PDDocument.html :)
declare namespace PDDocument ="java:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument";
declare namespace PDDocumentCatalog ="java:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocumentCatalog";
declare namespace PDPageLabels ="java:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDPageLabels";
(:~ @javadoc org/apache/pdfbox/multipdf/PageExtractor.html :)
declare namespace PageExtractor ="java:org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf.PageExtractor";
(:~ @javadoc org/apache/pdfbox/pdmodel/PDPageTree.html :)
declare namespace PDPageTree ="java:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageTree";
@javadoc org/apache/pdfbox/pdmodel/interactive/documentnavigation/outline/PDDocumentOutline.html
declare namespace PDDocumentOutline ="java:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDDocumentOutline";
declare namespace PDDocumentInformation ="java:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocumentInformation";
@javadoc org/apache/pdfbox/pdmodel/interactive/documentnavigation/outline/PDOutlineItem.html
declare namespace PDOutlineItem="java:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineItem";
declare namespace PDFRenderer="java:org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.PDFRenderer";
declare namespace RandomAccessReadBufferedFile = "java:org.apache.pdfbox.io.RandomAccessReadBufferedFile";
@ -46,15 +37,19 @@ as xs:string{
(:~ open pdf, returns pdf object :)
declare function pdfbox:open($pdfpath as xs:string)
as item(){
Loader:loadPDF( RandomAccessReadBufferedFile:new($pdfpath))
Loader:loadPDF( RandomAccessReadBufferedFile:new($pdfpath))
} catch *{
error(xs:QName("pdfbox:open"),"Failed to open: " || $pdfpath)
(:~ the version of the PDF specification used by $pdf e.g "1.4"
returned as string to avoid rounding issues
returned as string to avoid float rounding issues
declare function pdfbox:specification($pdf as item())
as xs:string{
(:~ save pdf $pdf to $savepath , returns $savepath :)
@ -77,10 +72,23 @@ as xs:integer{
(:~ render of $pdf page to image
options.format="gif,"png" etc, options.scale= 1 is 72 dpi?? :)
declare function pdfbox:page-image($pdf as item(),$pageNo as xs:integer,$options as map(*))
as xs:base64Binary{
let $options:=map:merge(($options,map{"format":"gif","scale":1}))
let $bufferedImage:=PDFRenderer:new($pdf)=>PDFRenderer:renderImage($pageNo,$options?scale)
let $bytes:=Q{java:java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream}new()
let $_:=Q{java:javax.imageio.ImageIO}write($bufferedImage ,$options?format, $bytes)
return Q{java:java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream}toByteArray($bytes)
(:~ map with document metadata :)
declare function pdfbox:information($doc as item())
declare function pdfbox:information($pdf as item())
as map(*){
let $info:=PDDocument:getDocumentInformation($doc)
let $info:=PDDocument:getDocumentInformation($pdf)
return map{
"title": PDDocumentInformation:getTitle($info),
"creator": PDDocumentInformation:getCreator($info),
@ -92,12 +100,7 @@ as map(*){
(:~ convert date :)
declare %private
function pdfbox:gregToISO($item as item())
as xs:string{
(:~ outline for $pdf as map()* :)
declare function pdfbox:outline($pdf as item())
@ -167,13 +170,13 @@ as map(*)
"index": PDOutlineItem:findDestinationPage($bookmark,$pdf)=>pdfbox:page-index($pdf),
"title": (# db:checkstrings #) {PDOutlineItem:getTitle($bookmark)}=>translate("<22>",""),
"title": (# db:checkstrings #) {PDOutlineItem:getTitle($bookmark)}
(:=>translate("<22>",""), :),
"hasChildren": PDOutlineItem:hasChildren($bookmark)
(:~ pageIndex of $page in $pdf :)
declare function pdfbox:page-index(
$page as item()? (: as java:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage :),
@ -234,35 +237,17 @@ as map(*){
(:~ java:bufferedImage for $pageNo using $scale times dpi= 72
@param $pageNo (ZERO based)
@param $scale 1=72 dpi
@return Java java.awt.image.BufferedImage object
(:~ convert date :)
declare %private
function pdfbox:gregToISO($item as item())
as xs:string{
(:~ fn:do-until shim for BaseX 9+10
if fn:do-until not found use hof:until
declare function pdfbox:pageBufferedImage($pdf as item(), $pageNo as xs:integer,$scale as xs:float)
as item(){
(:~ save bufferedimage to $dest
@param $type = "gif","png" etc:)
declare function pdfbox:imageSave($bufferedImage as item(),$dest as xs:string,$type as xs:string)
as xs:boolean{
Q{java:javax.imageio.ImageIO}write($bufferedImage , $type, File:new($dest))
(:~ return image
@param $type = "gif","png" etc:)
declare function pdfbox:imageBinary($bufferedImage as item(),$type as xs:string)
as xs:base64Binary{
let $bytes:=Q{java:java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream}new()
let $_:=Q{java:javax.imageio.ImageIO}write($bufferedImage , $type, $bytes)
return Q{java:java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream}toByteArray($bytes)
(:~ fn:do-until shim for BaseX 9+ :)
declare function pdfbox:do-until(
declare %private function pdfbox:do-until(
$input as item()*,
$action as function(item()*, xs:integer) as item()*,
$predicate as function(item()*, xs:integer) as xs:boolean?
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
xquery version '3.1';
(:~ describe book page numbers as sequence of ranges, similar to PDF pagelabels
@author quodatum
module namespace bookpages = 'urn:bookpages';
(:~ Invisible-xml grammar to parse custom pagelabel representation :)
declare variable $bookpages:grammar:="
book: pagecount,'#',range,(-',', range)*.
range: s,from?,s,type,s,prefix?,s,offset?.
@from: ['0'-'9']+. { pageIndex }
@type: ['C'|'D'|'R'|'r'|'A'|'a'|'w'].
@prefix: -':',~[',']+.
@offset: -'@',['0'-'9']+.
-s: ([Zs]; #9; #a; #d)*. {Optional whitespace}
page number range in given style
declare function bookpages:span($type as xs:string,$length as xs:integer,$first as xs:integer)
as xs:string*{
let $r:=$first to $first+$length
return switch ($type)
case "D" return $r!format-integer(.,"1")
case "r" return $r!format-integer(.,"i")
case "R" return $r!format-integer(.,"I")
case "C" return "Cover"
default return $r!format-integer(.,$type)
(:~ pagelabels from text:)
declare function bookpages:expand($pages as xs:string)
as xs:string*{
let $x:=bookpages:parse($pages)
let $last:=head($x)=>xs:integer()
return hof:until(
function($m){ empty($m?ranges) or count($m?result)eq $last },
let $range:=head($m?ranges)=>trace("SS")
let $start:=if($range/@offset)then xs:integer($range/@offset) else 1
let $end:=($m?ranges[2]/xs:integer(@from)-1) otherwise $last
let $length:=$end -count($m?result)-1
let $span:=bookpages:span($range/@type,$length,$start)
let $span:=if($range/@prefix)then $span!concat($range/@prefix,.) else $span
return map {
'ranges': tail($m?ranges),
'result': ($m?result, $span)
(: initial input = grammar ranges :)
map { 'ranges': tail($x) , 'result': () }
(:~ parse pagenumber description to xml :)
declare function bookpages:parse($pages as xs:string)
as element(range)*{
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
xquery version '3.1';
(:~ look for pagenos in pdf text
pdfscrape:page-report($doc )=>pdfscrape:inverted-map()
module namespace pdfscrape = 'urn:pdfscrape';
import module namespace pdfbox="org.expkg_zone58.Pdfbox3" ;
(:~ page number regex
@todo last line and roman
1=Number system ( D=decimal, R=Roman)
2=Side L=left,R=right
declare %private variable $pdfscrape:pats:=map{
"DL": "^([1-9][0-9]*).*",
"DR": ".*[^0-9]([1-9][0-9]*)$",
"RL": "^([ivxlc]+).*",
"RR": ".*[^ivxlc]([ivxlc]+)$"
(:~ page-reports for all pages :)
declare function pdfscrape:page-report($doc as item())
as element(page)*{
let $count:=pdfbox:page-count($doc)=>trace("Pages: ")
return (1 to $count )!pdfscrape:page-report($doc,.)
(:~ page-report for given page :)
declare function pdfscrape:page-report($doc as item(), $page as xs:integer)
as element(page){
let $txt:=pdfbox:getText($doc,$page)
let $line1:=substring-before($txt,file:line-separator())
let $fn:=function($acc,$this){ $acc otherwise pdfscrape:line-report($this,$line1)}
let $found:=map:keys($pdfscrape:pats)=>fold-left( (),$fn)
return <page index="{ $page }">{ $found, $line1 }</page>
(:~ attributes created by matching $style with $line1 or empty :)
declare function pdfscrape:line-report($style as xs:string, $line1 as xs:string)
as attribute(*)*{
then (
attribute {"style"} { substring($style,1,1) } ,(: 1st key:)
attribute {"LR"} { substring($style,2,1) } ,(: 2nd key:)
attribute {"number"} { replace($line1,$pdfscrape:pats?($style),"$1") }
(:~ keys are parsed pageno values are pageindices where found:)
declare function pdfscrape:inverted-map($pages as element(page)*)
as map(*) {
(:~ %match
$l page labels
declare function pdfscrape:score($l as xs:string*,
$report as element(page)*)
let $s:=$report!(if(@number)then string(@number) else "")
let $match:= for-each-pair($l,$s,function($l,$s){if($s eq "")then 0 else if ($s eq $l)then 1 else -1})
return round(sum($match) div count($l) *100,0)
(:~ convert roman to integer, zero if invalid
@see https://joewiz.org/2021/05/30/converting-roman-numerals-with-xquery-xslt/
declare function pdfscrape:decode-roman-numeral($roman-numeral as xs:string)
as xs:integer{
$roman-numeral => upper-case() => characters()
=> for-each(map { "M": 1000, "D": 500, "C": 100, "L": 50, "X": 10, "V": 5, "I": 1 })
=> fold-right([0,0], function($number,$accumulator) {
if ($number lt $accumulator?2)
then [ $accumulator?1 - $number, $number ]
else [ $accumulator?1 + $number, $number ] } )
=> array:head()
declare function pdfscrape:characters($str as xs:string)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ declare %unit:test
function test:specification(){
let $pdf:=test:pdf("samples.pdf/BaseX100.pdf")
let $spec:=pdfbox:specification($pdf)
return unit:assert-equals($spec,0+1.4)
return unit:assert-equals($spec,"1.4")
declare %unit:test
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