# # add openjdk 11 and basex on code-server docker image # @author Andy Bunce FROM alpine:latest AS builder RUN apk --no-cache add zip ADD https://files.basex.org/releases/9.6.4/BaseX964.zip /srv RUN cd /srv && unzip *.zip && rm *.zip # custom options #COPY .basex /srv/basex/ # Main image FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/code-server:4.0.1 LABEL author="Andy Bunce" LABEL company="Quodatum Ltd" LABEL maintainer="andy@quodatum.com" # Install "software-properties-common" (for the "add-apt-repository") RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ software-properties-common # Add the "JAVA" ppa RUN add-apt-repository -y \ ppa:webupd8team/java # Install OpenJDK-8 RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk && \ apt-get install -y ant && \ apt-get clean; # Fix certificate issues RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install ca-certificates-java && \ apt-get clean && \ update-ca-certificates -f; # Setup JAVA_HOME -- useful for docker commandline ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/ RUN export JAVA_HOME RUN adduser -h /srv -D -u 1000 basex COPY --from=builder --chown=basex:basex /srv/ /srv