#!/bin/bash usage () { echo "Re-create a Gitea Docker container from a backup" echo "Run this inside a docker-compose config folder!" echo "If it's the test container (gitea_test) it'll be automated" echo "If not, it will give you commands to run to complete the restore" echo "Usage:" echo " restore_gitea_container.sh [--unsafe] [--dry-run]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " --unsafe : Perform actions EVEN OUTSIDE gitea_test container" echo " : BE CAREFUL with this, it will stomp your container" echo " --dry-run : Only list actions, don't perform them" echo "" } if [[ "$1" == "--help" ]]; then usage exit 0 fi # MAKE SURE we're in the test dir PWD=`pwd` MANUAL_GUIDE=0 IS_TEST=1 if [[ ! -f "$PWD/docker-compose.yml" ]]; then echo "You must run this inside a folder containing docker-compose.yml! Aborting" exit 1 fi if [[ ! "$PWD" == */docker-compose/gitea_test ]]; then echo "HEY! You're not running this in docker-compose/gitea_test" echo "So we're assuming this is a live instance and will not execute anything automatically" echo "Instead, we'll print the commands you need to run." MANUAL_GUIDE=1 IS_TEST=0 fi while (( "$#" )); do if [[ "$1" == "--dry-run" ]]; then MANUAL_GUIDE=1 elif [[ "$1" == "--unsafe" ]]; then while true; do echo "Using --unsafe will destroy & re-create this container in all cases" echo " It will probably get the ports wrong, be ready to edit app.ini afterwards!" read -p "Are you SURE this is what you want? (y/n)" yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) break;; [Nn]* ) exit;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done MANUAL_GUIDE=0 else if [[ "$1" == -* ]]; then echo Unrecognised option $1 usage exit 3 fi fi shift # $2 becomes $1.. done # Generate all paths based on the last path component # Root of all the host versions of what gets mapped to /data in container DATAROOT="$PWD/data" # Backup source folder, contains gitea_backup.zip, gitrepos_backup.tar.bz2 & lfs BACKUPSRC="$PWD/gitea" CONFIG=$(basename $PWD) DATADIR="$DATAROOT/$CONFIG" echo "Removing container" # Use --all in case it's been run manually if (( $MANUAL_GUIDE )); then echo "Run this:" echo " > docker-compose stop" echo " > docker-compose rm" else docker-compose stop docker-compose rm fi echo "Removing old Gitea data" if (( $MANUAL_GUIDE )); then echo "Run this:" echo " > rm -r $DATADIR/*" else rm -r $DATADIR/* fi echo "Re-creating container" if (( $MANUAL_GUIDE )); then echo "Run this:" echo " > docker-compose up --no-start" else docker-compose up --no-start fi # We now need to bring up the database server to restore the MySQL data # Bring it up early so that it's got time to start while we do the data copying echo "Bringing up database to restore" if (( $MANUAL_GUIDE )); then echo "Run this:" echo " > docker-compose start db" else docker-compose start db fi # Run the restore script to get back the contents of docker/gitea data folder echo Restoring Gitea, Git and Git-LFS data # Copy SQL to MySQL's folder (from host perspective) MYSQLDATADIR="/volume1/docker/${CONFIG}_db" MYSQLFILE=`mktemp -t gitea-db.sql.XXXXXX` if (( $MANUAL_GUIDE )); then echo "Run this:" echo " > ../../backups/restore_gitea_data.sh $BACKUPSRC $DATADIR $MYSQLFILE" else ../../backups/restore_gitea_data.sh $BACKUPSRC $DATADIR $MYSQLFILE fi # Restore DB # We need to make sure it's up, it can take a little time before connections # are allowed MYSQL_ATTEMPTS=3 while [[ $MYSQL_ATTEMPTS -gt 0 ]] ; do echo "Testing if MySQL is up" let MYSQL_ATTEMPTS-- if docker-compose exec db mysqladmin -uroot -pDB_ROOT_PASSWORD status; then break fi sleep 2 done # Our docker container creates the gitea user and gitea DB in all cases # Drop all tables first # Can't just pipe in data to docker-compose exec because bug https://github.com/docker/compose/issues/3352 # Fixed but not in the Synology version # We can use main docker but need to parse out the ID for alias 'db' DB_DOCKER_ID=$(docker-compose ps -q db) if (( $MANUAL_GUIDE )); then echo "Run this:" echo " > docker exec -i $DB_DOCKER_ID mysql -uroot -pDB_ROOT_PASSWORD < ../../sql/reset-gitea-mysql.sql" echo "> docker exec -i $DB_DOCKER_ID mysql -ugitea -pDB_GITEA_PASSWORD gitea < $MYSQLFILE" else echo "Restoring database....be patient!" docker exec -i $DB_DOCKER_ID mysql -uroot -pDB_ROOT_PASSWORD < ../../sql/reset-gitea-mysql.sql docker exec -i $DB_DOCKER_ID mysql -ugitea -pDB_GITEA_PASSWORD gitea < $MYSQLFILE fi # Clean up rm -f $MYSQLFILE # Need to modify app.ini to change ports on URLs if (( $IS_TEST )); then echo Fixing up ports if (( $MANUAL_GUIDE )); then echo "You need to edit $DATADIR/gitea/conf.app.ini, change:" echo " - ROOT_URL = https://git.yourserver.com:9000/" echo " + ROOT_URL = https://git.yourserver.com:10000/" echo " - SSH_PORT = 9022" echo " - SSH_PORT = 10022" else sed -i "s/\.com:9000/.com:10000" $DATADIR/gitea/conf/app.ini sed -i "s/9022/10022" $DATADIR/gitea/conf/app.ini fi else echo "Since this isn't the test environment, you'll need to check $DATADIR/gitea/conf.app.ini manually!" fi # This will have created the missing ssh folder w/ server config etc echo "Restoration complete" echo "Restarting Server" if (( $MANUAL_GUIDE )); then echo "Run this:" echo " > docker-compose up -d" else docker-compose up -d fi echo "NOTE: SSH keys will likely not work if you're restoring to another server" echo " Users will probably have to remove & re-add their keys in Settings"