21 lines
1.2 KiB
21 lines
1.2 KiB
FROM reallibrephotos/librephotos-base:dev
# Build and install dlib
# Compile it WITHOUT AVX and SSE4 instructions to ensure compatibility
WORKDIR /tmp/builds
RUN git clone --depth 1 --branch 'v19.24' https://github.com/davisking/dlib.git && \
mkdir dlib/build && \
cd dlib/build && \
cmake --build . && \
cd /tmp/builds/dlib && \
python3 setup.py install --no USE_AVX_INSTRUCTIONS --no DLIB_USE_CUDA --no USE_SSE4_INSTRUCTIONS && \
rm -rf /tmp/builds/*
# Download pretrained models
WORKDIR /data_models
RUN mkdir -p /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/ && \
curl -SL https://github.com/LibrePhotos/librephotos-docker/releases/download/0.1/places365.tar.gz | tar -zxC /data_models/ && \
curl -SL https://github.com/LibrePhotos/librephotos-docker/releases/download/0.1/im2txt.tar.gz | tar -zxC /data_models/ && \
curl -SL https://github.com/LibrePhotos/librephotos-docker/releases/download/0.1/clip-embeddings.tar.gz | tar -zxC /data_models/ && \
curl -SL https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet152-b121ed2d.pth -o /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/resnet152-b121ed2d.pth