* **`xmlTools.enableXmlTreeView`:** Enables the XML Tree View for XML documents.
* **`xmlTools.enableXmlTreeViewMetadata`:** Enables attribute and child element counts in the XML Document view.
* **`xmlTools.enableXmlTreeViewCursorSync`:** Enables auto-reveal of elements in the XML Document view when a start tag is clicked in the editor.
* **`xmlTools.ignoreDefaultNamespace`:** Ignore default xmlns attributes when evaluating XPath.
* **`xmlTools.persistXPathQuery`:** Remember the last XPath query used.
* **`xmlTools.removeCommentsOnMinify`:** Remove XML comments during minification.
* **`xmlTools.splitAttributesOnFormat`:** Put each attribute on a new line when formatting XML. Overrides `xmlTools.splitXmlsOnFormat` if set to `true`. (V2 Formatter Only)
* **`xmlTools.splitXmlnsOnFormat`:** Put each xmlns attribute on a new line when formatting XML.
* **`xmlTools.xmlFormatterImplementation`:** Supported XML Formatters: `classic`, `v2`.
* **`xmlTools.xqueryExecutionArguments`:** Arguments to be passed to the XQuery execution engine.
* **`xmlTools.xqueryExecutionEngine`:** The full path to the executable to run when executing XQuery scripts.