Implement Classic XML Formatting

This commit is contained in:
Josh Johnson 2018-01-27 20:30:03 -05:00
parent 394188a204
commit bedb878549
9 changed files with 233 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -82,6 +82,11 @@
"default": true,
"description": "Put each xmlns attribute on a new line when formatting XML."
"xmlTools.xmlFormatterImplementation": {
"type": "string",
"default": "classic",
"description": "Supported XML Formatters: classic"
"xmlTools.xqueryExecutionArguments": {
"type": "array",
"default": ["-xquery", "$(script)", "-in", "$(input)", "-out", "$(input.output.xml"],

View File

@ -1,29 +1,27 @@
"use strict";
// The module 'vscode' contains the VS Code extensibility API
// Import the module and reference it with the alias vscode in your code below
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { workspace } from "vscode";
import { ExtensionContext, WorkspaceConfiguration } from "vscode";
// this method is called when your extension is activated
// your extension is activated the very first time the command is executed
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
const onActivateHandlers: OnActivateHandler[] = [];
const onDeactivateHandlers: OnDeactivateHandler[] = [];
// Use the console to output diagnostic information (console.log) and errors (console.error)
// This line of code will only be executed once when your extension is activated
console.log("Congratulations, your extension \"xml\" is now active!");
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
const workspaceConfiguration = workspace.getConfiguration("xmlTools");
// The command has been defined in the package.json file
// Now provide the implementation of the command with registerCommand
// The commandId parameter must match the command field in package.json
const disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand("extension.sayHello", () => {
// The code you place here will be executed every time your command is executed
// Display a message box to the user
vscode.window.showInformationMessage("Hello World!");
onActivateHandlers.forEach(x => x(context, workspaceConfiguration));
// this method is called when your extension is deactivated
export function deactivate() {
onDeactivateHandlers.forEach(x => x());
export function onActivate(handler: OnActivateHandler): void {
export function onDeactivate(handler: OnDeactivateHandler): void {
export type OnActivateHandler = (context: ExtensionContext, config: WorkspaceConfiguration) => void;
export type OnDeactivateHandler = () => void;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
import { XmlFormatter } from "../xml-formatter";
import { XmlFormattingOptions } from "../xml-formatting-options";
export class ClassicXmlFormatter implements XmlFormatter {
formatXml(xml: string, options: XmlFormattingOptions): string {
xml = this.minifyXml(xml, options);
xml = xml.replace(/</g, "~::~<");
if (options.splitXmlnsOnFormat) {
xml = xml
.replace(/xmlns\:/g, "~::~xmlns:")
.replace(/xmlns\=/g, "~::~xmlns=");
const parts: string[] = xml.split("~::~");
let inComment = false;
let level = 0;
let output = "";
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
// <!
if (parts[i].search(/<!/) > -1) {
output += this._getIndent(options, level, parts[i]);
inComment = true;
// end <!
if (parts[i].search(/-->/) > -1 || parts[i].search(/\]>/) > -1 || parts[i].search(/!DOCTYPE/) > -1) {
inComment = false;
} else if (parts[i].search(/-->/) > -1 || parts[i].search(/\]>/) > -1) {
output += parts[i];
inComment = false;
} else if (/^<(\w|:)/.test(parts[i - 1]) && /^<\/(\w|:)/.test(parts[i])
&& /^<[\w:\-\.\,\/]+/.exec(parts[i - 1])[0] === /^<\/[\w:\-\.\,]+/.exec(parts[i])[0].replace("/", "")) {
output += parts[i];
if (!inComment) { level--; }
} else if (parts[i].search(/<(\w|:)/) > -1 && parts[i].search(/<\//) === -1 && parts[i].search(/\/>/) === -1) {
output = (!inComment) ? output += this._getIndent(options, level++, parts[i]) : output += parts[i];
} else if (parts[i].search(/<(\w|:)/) > -1 && parts[i].search(/<\//) > -1) {
output = (!inComment) ? output += this._getIndent(options, level, parts[i]) : output += parts[i];
} else if (parts[i].search(/<\//) > -1) {
output = (!inComment) ? output += this._getIndent(options, --level, parts[i]) : output += parts[i];
} else if (parts[i].search(/\/>/) > -1 && (!options.splitXmlnsOnFormat || parts[i].search(/xmlns(:|=)/) === -1)) {
output = (!inComment) ? output += this._getIndent(options, level, parts[i]) : output += parts[i];
} else if (parts[i].search(/\/>/) > -1 && parts[i].search(/xmlns(:|=)/) > -1 && options.splitXmlnsOnFormat) {
output = (!inComment) ? output += this._getIndent(options, level--, parts[i]) : output += parts[i];
} else if (parts[i].search(/<\?/) > -1) {
output += this._getIndent(options, level, parts[i]);
} else if (options.splitXmlnsOnFormat && (parts[i].search(/xmlns\:/) > -1 || parts[i].search(/xmlns\=/) > -1)) {
output += this._getIndent(options, level, parts[i]);
} else {
output += parts[i];
// remove leading newline
if (output[0] === options.newLine) {
output = output.slice(1);
} else if (output.substring(0, 1) === options.newLine) {
output = output.slice(2);
return output;
minifyXml(xml: string, options: XmlFormattingOptions): string {
xml = this._stripLineBreaks(options, xml); // all line breaks outside of CDATA elements
xml = (options.removeCommentsOnMinify) ? xml.replace(/\<![ \r\n\t]*(--([^\-]|[\r\n]|-[^\-])*--[ \r\n\t]*)\>/g, "") : xml;
xml = xml.replace(/>\s{0,}</g, "><"); // insignificant whitespace between tags
xml = xml.replace(/"\s+(?=[^\s]+=)/g, "\" "); // spaces between attributes
xml = xml.replace(/"\s+(?=>)/g, "\""); // spaces between the last attribute and tag close (>)
xml = xml.replace(/"\s+(?=\/>)/g, "\" "); // spaces between the last attribute and tag close (/>)
xml = xml.replace(/[^ <>="]\s+[^ <>="]+=/g, (match: string) => { // spaces between the node name and the first attribute
return match.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
return xml;
private _getIndent(options: XmlFormattingOptions, level: number, trailingValue?: string): string {
trailingValue = trailingValue || "";
const indentPattern = (options.editorOptions.preferSpaces) ? " ".repeat(options.editorOptions.tabSize) : "\t";
return `${options.newLine}${indentPattern.repeat(level)}${trailingValue}`;
private _stripLineBreaks(options: XmlFormattingOptions, xml: string): string {
let output = "";
const inTag = false;
const inTagName = false;
let inCdata = false;
const inAttribute = false;
for (let i = 0; i < xml.length; i++) {
const char: string = xml.charAt(i);
const prev: string = xml.charAt(i - 1);
const next: string = xml.charAt(i + 1);
if (char === "!" && (xml.substr(i, 8) === "![CDATA[" || xml.substr(i, 3) === "!--")) {
inCdata = true;
} else if (char === "]" && (xml.substr(i, 3) === "]]>")) {
inCdata = false;
} else if (char === "-" && (xml.substr(i, 3) === "-->")) {
inCdata = false;
} else if ([\r\n]/g) > -1 && !inCdata) {
if (/\r/.test(char) && /\S|\r|\n/.test(prev) && /\S|\r|\n/.test(xml.charAt(i + options.newLine.length))) {
output += char;
} else if (/\n/.test(char) && /\S|\r|\n/.test(xml.charAt(i - options.newLine.length)) && /\S|\r|\n/.test(next)) {
output += char;
output += char;
return output;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import { XmlFormattingOptions } from "./xml-formatting-options";
export interface XmlFormatter {
formatXml(xml: string, options: XmlFormattingOptions): string;
minifyXml(xml: string, options: XmlFormattingOptions): string;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import { commands, languages } from "vscode";
import {
CancellationToken, DocumentFormattingEditProvider, DocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider, ExtensionContext,
FormattingOptions, ProviderResult, Range, TextDocument, TextEdit, TextEditor, WorkspaceConfiguration
} from "vscode";
import * as extension from "../extension";
import { XmlFormatter } from "./xml-formatter";
import { ClassicXmlFormatter } from "./formatters/classic-xml-formatter";
extension.onActivate((context: ExtensionContext, config: WorkspaceConfiguration) => {
const xmlFormatterImplementationSetting = config.get<string>("xmlFormatterImplementation");
let xmlFormatterImplementation: XmlFormatter;
switch (xmlFormatterImplementationSetting) {
case "classic":
default: xmlFormatterImplementation = new ClassicXmlFormatter(); break;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-use-before-declare
const xmlFormattingEditProvider = new XmlFormattingEditProvider(config, xmlFormatterImplementation);
const formatAsXmlCommand = commands.registerTextEditorCommand("xmlTools.formatAsXml", (textEditor) => {
// TODO: implement command
const minifyXmlCommand = commands.registerTextEditorCommand("xmlTools.minifyXml", (textEditor: TextEditor) => {
// TODO: implement command
languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider("xml", xmlFormattingEditProvider),
languages.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider("xml", xmlFormattingEditProvider)
export class XmlFormattingEditProvider implements DocumentFormattingEditProvider, DocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider {
public workspaceConfiguration: WorkspaceConfiguration,
public xmlFormatter: XmlFormatter
) { }
provideDocumentFormattingEdits(document: TextDocument, options: FormattingOptions, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<TextEdit[]> {
const lastLine = document.lineAt(document.lineCount - 1);
const documentRange = new Range(document.positionAt(0), lastLine.range.end);
return this.provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits(document, documentRange, options, token);
provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits(document: TextDocument, range: Range, options: FormattingOptions, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<TextEdit[]> {
let xml = document.getText(range);
xml = this.xmlFormatter.formatXml(xml, {
editorOptions: options,
newLine: document.eol.toString(),
removeCommentsOnMinify: this.workspaceConfiguration.get<boolean>("removeCommentsOnMinify"),
splitXmlnsOnFormat: this.workspaceConfiguration.get<boolean>("splitXmlnsOnFormat")
return [ TextEdit.replace(range, xml) ];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import { FormattingOptions } from "vscode";
export interface XmlFormattingOptions {
editorOptions: FormattingOptions;
newLine: string;
removeCommentsOnMinify: boolean;
splitXmlnsOnFormat: boolean;

View File

@ -13,10 +13,5 @@ import * as myExtension from "../extension";
// Defines a Mocha test suite to group tests of similar kind together
suite("Extension Tests", () => {
// Defines a Mocha unit test
test("Something 1", () => {
assert.equal(-1, [1, 2, 3].indexOf(5));
assert.equal(-1, [1, 2, 3].indexOf(0));
// TODO: implement tests

View File

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
"sourceMap": true,
"rootDir": "src"
"rootDir": "src",
"strict": true,
"strictNullChecks": false
"exclude": [

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"label-position": true,
"max-line-length": [
"member-access": false,
"member-ordering": [