A must have an ID, which should be the Librios ID, or derived therefrom
Required content
The root element must contain exactly one collection element.
The root must only contain a collection.
Non-required content
A must not have a @source
A must have a worktypeSet
does not contain one of the defined values ().
/@ does not contain one of the defined values ().
Timeline filters
A worktype[@extent=filter] must be filter1
If there is a worktype[@extent=filter] = 'filter1' there must also be a filter1-title
If there is a worktype[@extent=filter] = 'filter1' there must also be a filter1-default
in a collection that is not a timeline must not have @extent = (filter, category1 ... category7)
General tests
A @refid must have some content
A collection description/@extent must be one of the following: 'dressObjects', 'general', 'numberOfObjects', 'strengths', 'description', 'additionalInformation', 'curator', 'primarySources'
A work description/@extent must be one of the following:
A location/@extent must be one of the following: 'placeForTimeline', 'designed', 'distributed', 'distribution', 'made', 'manufactured', 'owned', 'used', 'worn', 'Retailed', 'altered', 'customised', 'discovered', 'embroidered', 'hand painted', 'hand sewing', 'hand weaving', 'hand woven', 'painted', 'patented', 'printed', 'retailed', 'sold', 'woven', 'venue'
A book or fpaArticles work must have an xml ISBN relation
A FairchildBooks book must have an epdf ISBN relation
An isbn relation for a work in a book must have @extent=xml or epdf or epub or studio or epdf+studio or hb or pb or print+accessCard or otherVolume or set or pack
An ISBN must be 13 digits long
ISBN is invalid - checksum incorrect []
Duplicated isbn - "".
The book xml ISBN does not match that in the work/@refid
A museumImages collection must have a title
A fpa collection must have a title
A journal collection must have a title
A museumImages or exhibitionImages collection must have a product worktype
A museumImages or exhibitionImages collection must have a timeline relation
A museumImages or exhibitionImages product worktype must be BergFashionLibrary
A museumImages collection should usually contain details of the number of dress objects
A museumImages collection should usually contain details of the strengths of the collection
A museumImages collection must contain a general description of the collection
A museumImages collection should usually contain additional information about the collection
A museumImages collection must contain the address of the repository
A museumImages collection must contain the web address of the repository
A web address for a museumImages collection repository must start with http://
A museumImages collection should contain some works that are excluded from the timeline
A exhibitionImages collection must contain the address of the organisation
A exhibitionImages collection must contain the name of the organisation
A exhibitionImages collection must contain the web address of the organisation
A web address for a exhibitionImages collection organisation must start with http://
A work in an exhibitionImages collection must be excluded from the timeline
The address for a museum collection repository or exhibition must have each line in a name[@type=geographic]
The address for a museum collection repository or exhibition must have each line in a name[@type=geographic]
The address lines in a museum collection repository must have @type=corporate or @extent = address1, address2, address3, country, or postcode
A work in a museumImages collection must not contain items (ie only images are allowed)
A work in a museumImages collection must contain one or more image
A work in a fpa collection must not contain items (ie only images are allowed)
A work in a fpa collection must contain one or more image
A work in a fpaArticles collection must not contain images
A work in a fpaArticles collection must contain one or more items
A work in a books collection must not contain images (ie only items are allowed)
A work in an ancillaries collection must not contain images (ie only items are allowed)
A work in a ancillaries collection must contain one or more item
A work in a exhibitionImages collection must not contain items (ie only images are allowed)
A work in a museumImages collection must contain one or more image
A work in a journal collection must not contain item or images
A work in a timeline collection must contain items
A work as a direct child of collection in an timeline collection must not contain images (ie only items are allowed)
A work in a fpa, museumImages or museumImages collection should usually contain a date range (it will need one if it must be in a timeline), or is it a work that must be excluded from the timeline?
A work in a timeline collection must contain a date range to support timelines functionality
Titles in works
A titleSet must be present for a
A title in a work must have some content
A FPA work should usually end with a year (yyyy)
Item titles, other than flashcards and quizzes
A titleSet must be present for a
A title in an item must have some content
FPA images
An image in a fpa collection must contain a worktype[@extent=size]
An fpa collection must have a product worktype
An fpa collection should contain some works that are excluded from the timeline
Only fpa collections are permitted to contain works with filter1
If an fpa work is not excluded from the timeline it may need a filter1, but only if it is to appear in the designer timeline AND NOT the default timeline
If a FPA work is not excluded from a timeline OR has a filter1 (ie is in a designer timeline), then it MUST have an earliestdate and a latestDate
If a FPA work is not excluded from a timeline OR has a filter1 (ie is in a designer timeline), then it MUST have a worktype[@extent='category']
The fpa general product worktype must be FashionPhotographyArchive
The fpa collection product worktype must be one of the permitted values.
An FPA image which has a category and is excluded from the default timeline (ie it is for Designers timeline) must have a description[@extent=filter1]
An FPA work with worktype[@extent=category] must have a value of: 'Designers', 'Designer and Brand Events', 'Models', 'Art and Music', 'Film and Television', 'Historical and Cultural Events'
A fullSize image must also have a related preview image
A fullSize image must also have a related thumbnail image
A preview image must also have a derivedFrom related image
A thumbnail image must also have a derivedFrom related image
A relation element must have @relids (unless it is a person relationship, when it needs to have @rules=personRelationship)
A relation element with @rules=personRelationship must have @type=relatedTo
A relation element with @rules=personRelationship must have @refid
A relation element with @rules=personRelationship must have @extent
A relation element with @rules=museum must have @type=relatedTo
A relation element with @rules=museum must have @refid
A relation element with @rules=museum can only occur in a exhibitionImages collection
A relation element with @rules=exhibition must have @type=relatedTo
A relation element with @rules=exhibition must have @refid
A relation element with @rules=exhibition can only occur in a museumImages collection
A relation element with @rules=timeline must have @refid
A relation element with @rules=timeline can only occur in a fpa, museumImages or a exhibitionImages collection
A relation element with @rules=personRelationship must have correct value of @extent
A person relation for a work in a museum collection must have @extent=madeOrDesignedBy
A person relation for a work in FPA must have @extent=madeOrDesignedBy or photographedBy or representationOf
A person relation for an image in FPA must have @extent=photographedBy or representationOf
A person relation for a work in FPA must have @extent=authoredBy or contentAbout
A person relation for a work in a book must have @extent=authoredBy or editedBy or contentAbout
A person relation for an item in a book must have @extent=authoredBy or contentAbout
A person relation for a work in an ancillary collection must have @extent=authoredBy or editedBy or contentAbout
A person relation for an exhibition collection must have @extent=curatedBy or contentAbout
A person relation for an image in a exhibition collection must have @extent=madeOrDesignedBy
A person relation for a journal collection must have @extent=editedBy
A person relation for a work in a journal collection must have @extent=authoredBy or contentAbout
An FPA article must have a @refid, which is the ID of the target document
An FPA Article must have a worktype[@extent=type]
The must be at least 11 characters long if it starts with '-'
A must be in the format (-)yyyy-mm-dd and the mm component must be one of 01 to 12 (ie a month)
A must be in the format (-)yyyy-mm-dd and the dd component must be one of 01 to 31 (ie a day)
The must be ten characters long
The sixth and seventh digits in must be one of 01 to 12 (ie a month) [see ]
The ninth and tenth digits in must be one of 01 to 31 (ie a day)
The is not a valid date
must have a @type attribute
/@type must have a value of
If [@type=other] there must be a @extent as well
@extent must take one of the values: online, print, accessRights
If [@extent=online|print] text must be either yes or no
If [@extent=accessRights] text must be either instructorsOnly or students or free
must have @refid
A with @refid must have @rules
A in ancillaries with @refid starting with b-nnnnnnnnnnnnn must have @rules=docID
A in a Quiz ancillary must have a relation[@rules=ancillaryID]
A in a Flashcards ancillary must have a relation[@rules=ancillaryID]
A relation with @rules=ancillaryID must have @refid (which must match the ID of the target MCQ)
A must have @rules
An image/@rules must be a valid image MIME type
A image/@refid must end with a valid file extension
A subject/@rules must be one of:
A work or item @rules in a book must = docIDs
An item @rules in an ancillary must equal the MIME type of the object
A journal collection must have @rules
A journal collection's @rules must = issn
A journal collection's @refid must be nine characters long
A journal collection's @refid must be of the form nnnn-nnnn
A journal work must have @rules
A journal collection's @rules must = doi
A journal work's @refid must be of the form 10.nnnn/d+
Journal location must include the citation components: volumeNumber, issueNumber, startPage, endPage
A work with images must contain one and only one preferred image
An FPA preferred image must be fullsize
An must contain a workTypeSet
An / must contain a worktype[@extent=source]
An is not permitted to have @sequence
The @sequence attribute is only permitted on item within an ancillary, audio or video collection
Item extent must be 'searchable'
An image/workTypeSet/worktype[@extent=source] must have value = local | rackspace
An ancillary work/workTypeSet/worktype[@extent=source] must have value = ancillaryBundle
An item/workTypeSet/worktype[@extent=source] must have value = docbook
A book work must contain a worktype[@extent='contentType']
A book worktype must be 'product' or 'contentType'
A book or fpaArticles work must contain a worktype[@extent='product']
A book or fpaArticles work must contain a worktype[@extent='contentType']
A book worktype must be 'product' or 'contentType' or 'bfcDisplayType' 'or imageSearchType'
A fpaArticles worktype must be 'product' or 'contentType'
A book's product worktype must be one of BergFashionLibrary, FairchildBooks, FairchildBooksLibrary, LaunchCollection
A book's contentType worktype must be one of monograph or reference or dictionary
A book's or fpaArticle's bfcDisplayType worktype must be one of toc or noToc
A book's imageSearchType worktype must be searchImages
A fpaArticle's product worktype must be FashionPhotographyArchive
A fpaArticle's contentType worktype must be one of reference or dictionary
An ancillaries work must have a relation
An ancillaries work//relation must have @refid
An ancillaries item must have measurements (filesize)
An ancillaries item//measurements must contain a numeric value
An ancillaries item must have a measurements (with @type=fileSize)
An ancillaries item must have a measurements (with @unit=byte)
An ancillary worktype[@extent=source] must equal ancillaryZip
An ancillary worktype[@extent=ancillaryType] must equal one of the defined values
A journal work must have a description
A journal work must have a startPage
A journal work must have a endPage
A journal work must have a start or end page value
A timeline product worktype must be one of BergFashionLibrary, FashionPhotographyArchive, FairchildBooksLibrary, LaunchCollection
A timeline work//worktype must have @extent=type
A timeline work//worktype may need a @extent=group
A timeline work//worktype must have @extent=type|group
A timeline work/item must contain a worktype[@extent='category']
A timeline work/item must contain a title
A timeline work/item must contain a dateSet/display
A timeline work/item must contain a dateSet/date
A timeline work/item//worktype must have @extent=category
earliestDate must be less than latestDate [see ]
For BC Dates integer value of earliestDate () must be greater than or equal to latestDate ()
A timeline work//worktype[@extent=type] must contain 'chapter' or 'timePeriod'
Each taxonomy term should be distinct within the containing subjectSet: duplicate value term/@refid=''
work and item ISBNs should match: found ''; expected ''
A videos product worktype must be FashionPhotographyArchive
A videos item must have a @refid
A videos item must have a @rules
A video item must have a relation
A videos item's @refid must match the filename in the corresponding video relation
A videos item's @rules must be video/mp4, since the target of @refid is an mp4 file
A videos item must contain a source worktype
A videos item must contain an ancillaryType worktype
A video item must have an ancillaryType worktype = 'runtime'
A videos item must have a source worktype = 'files'
Please check if a 3Play project ID is needed at collection level.
taxonomy code not found in taxonomy
This work has no buy link: is this correct?
rights[@type='performance']/@extent must be one of the following:
rights[@type='performance'][@extent='outOfCopyright'] must not have @rules or @refid