2021-12-15 11:29:23 +00:00

255 lines
10 KiB

: Global constants and functions.
: @author Rave Technologies, https://www.rave-tech.com/, 2017
: Update History :
: Modified on 16/03/21: Intorduced new database URLs
module namespace config = 'http://www.rave-tech.com/bloomsbury/config';
import module namespace Session = 'http://basex.org/modules/session';
(:~ Processing Server. :)
declare variable $config:Server as xs:string := '';
(:~ Mail Server :)
declare variable $config:MailServer as xs:string := '';
(:~ Content Databases. :)
declare variable $config:AuditDatabase as xs:string := 'SYS_AUDIT';
declare variable $config:ContentMetadataDatabse as xs:string := 'SYS_CONTENT_METADATA';
declare variable $config:URLsDatabse as xs:string := 'URLs';
declare variable $config:CoreDatabase as xs:string := 'bloomsbury';
declare variable $config:LooseleafDatabase as xs:string := 'looseleaf';
declare variable $config:MonographDatabase as xs:string := 'monograph';
declare variable $config:archiveDatabase as xs:string := 'archive';
declare variable $config:articleDatabase as xs:string := 'article';
declare variable $config:referenceDatabase as xs:string := 'reference';
declare variable $config:playDatabase as xs:string := 'play';
declare variable $config:screenplayDatabase as xs:string := 'screenplay';
declare variable $config:Person as xs:string := 'person';
declare variable $config:fashionDatabase as xs:string := 'fashion';
declare variable $config:Audio as xs:string := 'audio';
declare variable $config:Video as xs:string := 'video';
declare variable $config:Publisher as xs:string := 'publisher';
declare variable $config:Organisation as xs:string := 'organisation';
declare variable $config:Series as xs:string := 'series';
declare variable $config:Image as xs:string := 'image';
declare variable $config:MetadataOnlyContentDatabase as xs:string := 'metadataonlycontent';
declare variable $config:ContentManagementDatabase as xs:string := 'content-management';
declare variable $config:ContentManagementCollection as xs:string := '/content-management/';
declare variable $config:OnixDB as xs:string := 'ONIXDB';
declare variable $config:Onix as xs:string := '/ONIX/';
(:~ Debug on/off. :)
declare variable $config:Debug as xs:boolean := fn:true();
(:~ Job Queue :)
declare variable $config:queueXml as xs:boolean := 'job-queue.xml';
(:~ Job Queue Path :)
declare variable $config:queueDir as xs:boolean := '/queue/';
(:~ Main Directories of the application. :)
(:~ User Directory. :)
declare variable $config:UserDir as xs:string := '/user/';
(:~ Taxonomy Directory. :)
declare variable $config:TaxonomyDir as xs:string := '/taxonomies/';
(:~ Configuration Directory. :)
declare variable $config:ConfigDir as xs:string := '/config/';
(:~ Pipeline Directory. :)
declare variable $config:PipelineDir as xs:string := '/pipelines/';
(:~ Transformation Directory. :)
declare variable $config:TransformDir as xs:string := '/transforms/';
(:~ Validation Directory. :)
declare variable $config:ValidationDir as xs:string := '/validation/';
(:~ Product Directory. :)
declare variable $config:ProductDir as xs:string := '/products/';
(:~ Content Directory. :)
declare variable $config:ContentDir as xs:string := '/content/';
(:~ Latest Directory to keep latest version. :)
declare variable $config:LatestDir as xs:string := '/latest/';
(:~ Jobs Directory. :)
declare variable $config:JobDir as xs:string := '/jobs/';
(:~ docx Directory. :)
declare variable $config:WordDir as xs:string := '/word/';
(:~ Version Directory to keep old version. :)
declare variable $config:VersionDir as xs:string := '/version/';
(:~ metadata Directory to keep content metadata xml. :)
declare variable $config:Metadata as xs:string := '/metadata/';
(:~ Audit Directory. :)
declare variable $config:AuditDir as xs:string := 'audit/';
(:~ Report Directory. :)
declare variable $config:ReportDir as xs:string := '/reports/';
(:~ To keep lock information. :)
declare variable $config:LockDir as xs:string := '/locks/';
(:~ Temp Directory. :)
declare variable $config:TempDir as xs:string := 'D:\bloomsbury-CMS\bl-workspace\';
(:~ Pipeline output directory for temp :)
declare variable $config:TempPipelineDir as xs:string := fn:concat($config:TempDir,'pipeline_output/');
(:~ Validator files :)
(:~ Product RELAX NG. :)
declare variable $config:ProductRelaxNG as xs:string := 'product-manifest.rnc';
(:~ Taxonomy RELAX NG. :)
declare variable $config:TaxonomyRelaxNG as xs:string := 'taxonomy.rnc';
(:~ Pipeline RELAX NG. :)
declare variable $config:PipelineRelaxNG as xs:string := 'pipeline.rnc';
(:~ Taxonomy Schematron. :)
declare variable $config:TaxonomySchematron as xs:string := 'taxonomy.sch';
(:~ Configurable XML files location :)
(:~ Status XML Path. :)
declare variable $config:StatusFile as xs:string := fn:concat($config:ConfigDir,'content_statuses.xml');
(:~ Content Type XML Path. :)
declare variable $config:ContentType as xs:string := fn:concat($config:ConfigDir,'content-types.xml');
(:~ Role XML Path. :)
declare variable $config:Role as xs:string := fn:concat($config:ConfigDir,'user-roles.xml');
(:~ Organization chart XML Path. :)
declare variable $config:OrgChart as xs:string := fn:concat($config:ConfigDir,'organization_chart.xml');
(:~ Pipeline Configuration file path :)
declare variable $config:PipelineConfig as xs:string := fn:concat($config:ConfigDir,'ingest-pipeline-config.xml');
(:~ Pipeline Configuration file path :)
declare variable $config:DownloadConfig as xs:string := fn:concat($config:ConfigDir,'content-download.xml');
(:~ Global prefixes :)
(:~ User ID prefix. :)
declare variable $config:UserIDPrefix as xs:string := "USR";
(:~ Password token prefix. :)
declare variable $config:PasswordTokenPrefix as xs:string := "TKN";
(:~ Job ID prefix. :)
declare variable $config:JobIDPrefix as xs:string := "SCH";
(:~ Product ID prefix. :)
declare variable $config:ProductIDPrefix as xs:string := "PRD";
(:~ Taxonomy ID prefix. :)
declare variable $config:TaxonomyIDPrefix as xs:string := "TAX";
(:~ Global XSLT :)
(:~ DocBook to WordML. :)
declare variable $config:DocBook2WordML as xs:string := fn:concat($config:TransformDir,'docBook2WordML.xsl');
(:~ Pagination Default values :)
(:~ Maximum number of records to display in a page :)
declare variable $config:size as xs:integer := 10;
(:~ First page to display :)
declare variable $config:page as xs:integer := 1;
(:~ Allowed login failure attempt :)
declare variable $config:LoginAttempt as xs:integer := 3;
(:~ Global file name :)
(:~ Common file name to keep audit information :)
declare variable $config:AuditFileName as xs:string := 'audit.xml';
(:~ Common file name to keep version control :)
declare variable $config:VersionControlFileName as xs:string := 'version.xml';
(:~ DOC XML Path :)
declare variable $config:DocXml as xs:string := "word/document.xml";
(:~ Style XML Path :)
declare variable $config:StyleXml as xs:string := "word/styles.xml";
declare variable $config:WordStyle as xs:string := fn:concat($config:TransformDir,'styles.xslt');
(:~ DOC image relationship file :)
declare variable $config:DocRelXml as xs:string := "word/_rels/document.xml.rels";
(:~ Looseleaf header file :)
declare variable $config:HeaderXml as xs:string := "header.xml";
(:~ To keep extra information of the documents: like Area/Content Type :)
declare variable $config:InfoXml as xs:string := 'properties.xml';
(:~ To keep content metadata information :)
declare variable $config:MetaXml as xs:string := 'metadata.xml';
(:~ To keep content classify information :)
declare variable $config:ClassifyXml as xs:string := 'classify.xml';
(:~ password token default validity :)
declare variable $config:PTokenValidity as xs:duration := xs:dayTimeDuration('P2D');
(:~ Output Directory to store downloaded content. :)
declare variable $config:OutDir as xs:string := 'D:\output\download\';
(:~ Report Directory to store downloaded report. :)
declare variable $config:PublishReportDir as xs:string := 'C:\output\download\report\';
(:~ Output Directory to store published content. :)
declare variable $config:PublishDir as xs:string := 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BaseX\output\publish\';
declare variable $config:Xmlziplocation as xs:string := 'C:\output\download\xmlzip\';
: Display debug message in serer log
: @param message The message to print in log file
: @return empty sequence
declare %updating function config:update-message(
$message as xs:string
then admin:write-log($message)
else ()
: Display debug message in serer log
: @param message The message to print in log file
: @return empty sequence
declare function config:non-update-message(
$message as xs:string
then admin:write-log($message)
else ()
(:~ Checks if the current client is logged in. If not, raises an error. :)
declare function config:session-check(
$SKey as xs:string
) as empty-sequence()
then ()
else fn:error(xs:QName('config:authentication'), 'Invalid token.')
(:~ Get Session value (username) :)
declare function config:session-value(
$SKey as xs:string
(:~ Return error message to the UI if authentication fails :)
%rest:error-param("description", "{$message}")
function config:error($message)
config:non-update-message("***Invalid Token***")
: Generate Session ID for the user
: @param $email User email address
: @return element(result)
declare function config:session-id(
$email as xs:string
let $dateTime := fn:current-date()
let $day := fn:day-from-date($dateTime)
let $month := fn:month-from-date($dateTime)
let $year := fn:year-from-date($dateTime)
let $time := fn:current-time()
let $hour := fn:hours-from-time($time)
let $minute := fn:minutes-from-time($time)
let $second := fn:seconds-from-time($time)
let $token := fn:concat(fn:string(($day * 25) + ($month * 16) + ($year * 1000) + ($hour * 22) + ($minute * 40) + ($second * 40)),'$$$',$email)
return string(convert:string-to-hex($token))