2021-02-16T23:01:20.669Z 1.1 expkg-zone58:image.thumbnailator thumbnailator.xqm Generate image thumbnails using the thumbnailator library. https://github.com/coobird/thumbnailator andy bunce 0.6 org.expkgzone58.image.Thumbs generate scaled version of source image with maximum dimension of size $source base64Binary (streamed?) e.g from `fetch:binary` base64Binary for thumbnail thumbnails:size declare function thumbnails:size($source as xs:base64Binary , $size as xs:integer) as xs:base64Binary source xs:base64Binary size xs:integer xs:base64Binary generate scaled version of source image with maximum dimension of size $source base64Binary (streamed?) e.g from `fetch:binary` base64Binary for thumbnail thumbnails:size declare function thumbnails:size($source as xs:base64Binary , $width as xs:integer , $height as xs:integer) as xs:base64Binary source xs:base64Binary width xs:integer height xs:integer xs:base64Binary generate scaled version of source image at given factors 0-1 $source base64Binary (streamed?) e.g from `fetch:binary` the thumbnail thumbnails:scale declare function thumbnails:scale($source as xs:base64Binary , $scale as xs:double) as xs:base64Binary source xs:base64Binary scale xs:double xs:base64Binary generate scaled version of source image at given factors 0-1 $source base64Binary (streamed?) e.g from `fetch:binary` the thumbnail thumbnails:scale declare function thumbnails:scale($source as xs:base64Binary , $xscale as xs:double , $yscale as xs:double) as xs:base64Binary source xs:base64Binary xscale xs:double yscale xs:double xs:base64Binary generate thumbnail using parameters specified via XML $source base64Binary (streamed?) e.g from `fetch:binary` $task XML parameters <task><size width="100" .. the thumbnail thumbnails:task declare function thumbnails:task($source as xs:base64Binary , $task as element(thumbnail)) as xs:base64Binary source xs:base64Binary task element(thumbnail) xs:base64Binary validate task thumbnail XML against schema $src XML parameters <thumbnail><size width="100" .. empty-sequence or error BXVA0001: the validation fails. BXVA0002: the validation process cannot be started. BXVA0003: no XML Schema validator is available. BXVA0004: no validator is found for the specified version. thumbnails:validate declare function thumbnails:validate($src as item()*) as empty-sequence() src item() empty-sequence() validate task thumbnail XML against schema $src XML parameters <thumbnail><size width="100" .. validation report thumbnails:validation-report declare function thumbnails:validation-report($src as item()*) as element(report) src item() element(report) thumbnails:schema-uri declare function thumbnails:schema-uri() as xs:anyURI xs:anyURI