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# User Documentation for Pdfbox3.xqm XQuery Library
## Overview
The `Pdfbox3.xqm` library provides an interface to the Apache PDFBox 3.0 library for working with PDF documents in BaseX 10.7+. It allows you to perform various operations on PDF files, such as extracting text, rendering pages to images, extracting metadata, and more.
## Namespace
The library uses the namespace `org.expkg_zone58.Pdfbox3`.
module namespace pdfbox="org.expkg_zone58.Pdfbox3";
## Functions
### `pdfbox:with-pdf($src as xs:string, $fn as function(item()) as item()*) as item()*`
This function opens a PDF file, applies a given function to it, and ensures the PDF is closed after use.
- **Parameters:**
- `$src`: The path to the PDF file.
- `$fn`: A function that takes a PDF object as input and returns some result.
- **Example:**
pdfbox:with-pdf("path/to/document.pdf", pdfbox:page-text(?, 5))
### `pdfbox:open-file($pdfpath as xs:string) as item()`
Opens a PDF file and returns a PDF object.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdfpath`: The path to the PDF file.
- **Example:**
let $pdf := pdfbox:open-file("path/to/document.pdf")
return pdfbox:page-count($pdf)
### `pdfbox:specification($pdf as item()) as xs:string`
Returns the version of the PDF specification used by the document.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:save($pdf as item(), $savepath as xs:string) as xs:string`
Saves the PDF object to the specified file path.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- `$savepath`: The path where the PDF should be saved.
- **Example:**
pdfbox:save($pdf, "path/to/save/document.pdf")
### `pdfbox:close($pdf as item()) as empty-sequence()`
Closes the PDF object, releasing resources.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:page-count($pdf as item()) as xs:integer`
Returns the number of pages in the PDF.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:page-image($pdf as item(), $pageNo as xs:integer, $options as map(*)) as xs:base64Binary`
Renders a specific page of the PDF as an image.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- `$pageNo`: The page number to render.
- `$options`: A map of options, including `format` (e.g., "gif", "png") and `scale`.
- **Example:**
pdfbox:page-image($pdf, 1, map { "format": "png", "scale": 2 })
### `pdfbox:metadata($pdf as item()) as map(*)`
Returns a map containing metadata about the PDF.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:report($pdfpath as xs:string) as map(*)`
Returns a summary of the PDF, including metadata and page count.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdfpath`: The path to the PDF file.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:hasOutline($pdf as item()) as xs:boolean`
Returns `true` if the PDF has an outline (bookmarks).
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:isEncrypted($pdf as item()) as xs:boolean`
Returns `true` if the PDF is encrypted.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:outline($pdf as item()) as map(*)*`
Returns the outline (bookmarks) of the PDF as a sequence of maps.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:outline-xml($pdf as item()) as element(outline)?`
Returns the outline (bookmarks) of the PDF as XML.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:extract($pdf as item(), $start as xs:integer, $end as xs:integer, $target as xs:string) as xs:string`
Extracts a range of pages from the PDF and saves them as a new PDF.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- `$start`: The starting page number (1-based).
- `$end`: The ending page number (1-based).
- `$target`: The path to save the new PDF.
- **Example:**
pdfbox:extract($pdf, 1, 3, "path/to/new/document.pdf")
### `pdfbox:labels($pdf as item()) as xs:string*`
Returns the page labels for each page in the PDF.
- **Parameters:**
- `$pdf`: A PDF object.
- **Example:**
### `pdfbox:page-text($doc as item(), $pageNo as xs:integer) as xs:string`
Returns the text content of a specific page in the PDF.
- **Parameters:**
- `$doc`: A PDF object.
- `$pageNo`: The page number to extract text from.
- **Example:**
pdfbox:page-text($pdf, 1)
### `pdfbox:version() as xs:string`
Returns the version of the Apache PDFBox library in use.
- **Example:**
## Notes
- The library is designed to work with BaseX 10.7+.
- Some functions may throw errors if the PDF is encrypted or if the file cannot be opened.
## Examples
### Extracting Text from a PDF Page
let $pdf := pdfbox:open-file("path/to/document.pdf")
return pdfbox:page-text($pdf, 1)
### Rendering a PDF Page as an Image
let $pdf := pdfbox:open-file("path/to/document.pdf")
return pdfbox:page-image($pdf, 1, map { "format": "png", "scale": 2 })
### Extracting Metadata
let $pdf := pdfbox:open-file("path/to/document.pdf")
return pdfbox:metadata($pdf)
### Extracting a Range of Pages
let $pdf := pdfbox:open-file("path/to/document.pdf")
return pdfbox:extract($pdf, 1, 3, "path/to/new/document.pdf")